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As we are beginning to be drip-fed ‘normality’, it’s time that businesses address whether they are prepared for the new ‘normal’ after lockdown. From a business perspective, some chaos is inevitable. The streets and shopping centres are already filled with keen shoppers looking to get a quick fix. So, are you prepared for what’s to come?

Up to date 📅

The first question all businesses must address is cleanliness after lockdown. We have no doubt all those with storefronts will have had the hoover out and given the whole place a well-timed spring clean. But, don’t forget your online store too.

A website that hasn’t been updated may be suffering from several flaws and snags. For example, if plug-ins need updating, this could cause your website to run slowly and ineffectively. A slow website affects user experience and, in turn, can lead to a loss of sales, which no business wants. Especially after the year we’ve all had.

So, if your website does need a refresh, make sure you get it done as soon as possible.

Outdated information and imagery can also be detrimental when a potential customer is browsing your website. Information that is no longer correct can confuse customers or lead them in the wrong direction. Have you moved office, are your opening hours different now? Make sure the most up to date information is up.

Hard copy 📄

In the last few years, businesses have found success in more traditional forms of marketing. This year people are going to be spending with companies they believe in, that feel authentic to the end-user. Reaching out and putting yourself in front of or in the hands of customers should be a priority.

It’s pivotal that your flyers are prepped and ready to go, business cards, letterheads, brochures, we could go on.

Something new ✨

For those looking to generate new sales, look beyond your after lockdown hard-copy materials and also invest in something fresh and believable.

With the world regaining some of its ‘normality’, why not tilt your marketing towards the return of life as we knew it. Rethinking your marketing could regenerate your business and showcase a new lease of life to your potential clients. Think redesign and rediscover. Refresh your marketing and your client list.

Socially active 👋

The return to life as we knew it certainly won’t mean we will be any less socially active. Hoards of hungry shoppers will be scouring social media looking through marketing posts. Looking for new outfits to wear to restaurants, nights out and other social events.

Making sure you are well-prepared is a must. No matter what sector your business operates in, the desire to purchase is something universal.

So, the question is, have you prepared your social media posts? Have you thought about what your customers want to hear from you as a brand? If you haven’t, start thinking sooner rather than later. Offer different deals or posts based on how much ‘normality’ has returned. Showcase your personality and engage with your customers. Be unapologetically you!

What else? 🤔

Think about the little things that are easy to forget about. If you have a shop front, are all of your signs up to date? If you are a restaurant or eatery, have you refreshed your menus? It’s the little touches that will really sell your business to customers, especially in this strange place in time.

If you are offering something different for a limited period, make sure everyone knows about it and make sure even more people are talking about it!

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As a creative agency, we help countless entrepreneurs every year with various sides of their businesses. From intuitive design work to innovative strategy and management. When it comes to helping your business move forwards, we are absolutely in it for the long run.

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